12th February 2025
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Top Tips For Battling Premature Ejeculation

From cardio and kegels to the tricks you can use while you’re doing the deed, there are several science-backed tips that can help men last longer in bed. As you probably already know, there’s a major orgasm gap between men and women. In fact, according to a 2017 study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, 95 percent of heterosexual men said they usually or always orgasm during sex, while just 65 percent of Brisbane escorts reported the same.

And while there are obviously a variety of factors at play, part of this gap might be due to how long it takes both men and women to orgasm. According to Harry Fisch, MD, author of The New Naked, an astonishing 45 percent of men climax in two minutes or less when they’re having sex. Women, on the other hand, need more than 15 minutes of sexual stimulation to achieve orgasm. Combine those two facts and you’re looking at a seriously inconvenient truth—and a lot of people who are looking for ways to up their sexual endurance.

Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to prolong sex. Try these tips to be the best partner possible.

1 Practice The Art Of Edging


Ever heard of “edging”? It means building up to what’s called “ejaculatory inevitability”—the orgasmic point of (almost) no return—then standing down for a minute or so before restarting the action. You probably already know what the point of no return feels like. The key here is to know what the moment just before that feels like. When you feel that feeling while having sex, do something that doesn’t involve your penis, such as orally or stimulating your partner… provided that’s not a trigger for you.

Eventually, build up to at least 20 minutes of stop-start action to give your partner a chance of having an orgasm before or at the same time as you do. When you get comfortable with knowing where your tipping point is, you can cruise along in that zone without the time-outs. Plus, delaying your climax will make your orgasm all that more powerful.

2 Change Things Up During Sex


Melb escorts say that experimenting with new positions can often help men last longer in bed. Her reasoning is positively Pavlovian: Routine sex positions and foreplay can make your body anticipate climax and bring on the finale, even if it’s earlier than you had in mind. Doing things in a different order may help delay it. “The more awkward and unfamiliar, the better,” she told Men’s Health.

3 Improve Your Cardio Routine


Improving your overall health can have a huge impact on your sex life. Cardio exercise such as aerobics, swimming, running, and jogging can strengthen your lungs and increase their capacity, which can help you last longer.

Cardio will also help boost your metabolism, improving circulation to your heart, lungs, and penis. Working out has even been shown to stimulate the release of endorphins, which can help you release tension, stay calm, and enjoy sexual contact, lowering the chances of you climaxing prematurely.

4 Do Kegel Exercises


The best way to strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle), which helps control ejaculation, is to perform kegel exercises. The easiest way for you to find the PC muscle is to stop the flow of pee when you use the bathroom. You’re using the PC muscle to do that!

To do kegels, quickly clench and release the PC muscle repeatedly for 10 seconds. Do three sets, with a 10-second break between sets. Once you’re into a good routine, you can start busting out your new skill while having sex. Contract your PC muscle when you’re close to orgasm, and you ought to be able to put a lid on things until everyone is ready.

5 Engage In Lots Of Foreplay


Foreplay: The name we give to every other time of sexual play besides intercourse is frankly a misnomer. Kissing, massage, frottage, manual, and oral stimulation doesn’t have to go before anything. Returning to outercourse—a less misleading name for non-penetrative sex play—is both a good way to make sex less scripted and slow the action down.

But that’s not all. In a 2018 study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, only about 18 percent of women respondents said that they had orgasmed through intercourse alone, so including other acts in your sessions increases your chances of satisfying your partner.

6 Take Advantage Of The Refractory Period


A man’s refractory period is the length of time between when he ejaculates and when he can achieve and maintain another erection. According to the International Society for Sexual Medicine, that period is different for every individual man, but it generally does get longer with age.

However, this intermission is a great opportunity for a man who’s recovering to turn his attention to pleasing his partner. And because many men experience less sensitivity during an encore performance, the second round of intercourse is likely to last longer.

7 Masturbate Before Sex


For some men, masturbating to completion an hour or two before sex can make the main event last longer. However, if you have a refractory period on the longer side, masturbating may prevent you from being able to climax again when you’re with your partner.

8 Take Breaks During Sex


Provided you don’t have any pressing appointments, taking breaks during your session is a simple and effective way to slow down sex, savor the moment, and increase your mutual satisfaction. When things feel as though they are reaching a conclusion prematurely, stop and do something that buys time. Return to kissing, cuddling, massage, sensation play—whatever you and your partner prefer.

9 Try Viagra For Premature Ejaculation


Sildenafil (known mostly by the brand name Viagra) is intended to help men with erectile dysfunction achieve and maintain erections. But it can have other benefits. A 2007 study published in the International Journal of Urology showed that Sildenafil can also be effective for treating premature ejaculation.

10 Incorporate More Eye Contact


London female escorts say the methods above should markedly improve your sexual stamina and hopefully, provide an answer to how to last longer in bed. But making eye contact with your partner is not only a great way of getting real-time sexual feedback—it can also be employed as a synchronizing signal. It’s also a gesture of respect, understanding, and interest, so more of it is highly likely to make sex not just longer but better for you and your partner.

Instead of worrying about how to last longer in bed, take a few moments to intentionally lock eyes and hold that mutual gaze for sexier engagement. At the very least, this eye contact will add some time to your routine. But you may also find that it helps you to connect with your partner in a more meaningful way.

11 Employ The Squeeze Method


If you watched the Showtime drama Masters of Sex, you’re familiar with Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson, the two-person research team who explored the nature of the human sexual response and the diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunctions and disorders from the ’50s through the ’90s. Part of their legacy was their prescribing of the squeeze technique to delay ejaculation and prolong the length of sexual intercourse.

They told women to place the thumb, index, and middle fingers around the tip of the man’s penis, squeeze immediately before ejaculatory inevitability, and keep squeezing until that feeling had subsided and his body relaxed before slowly releasing the pressure. Give it a try. While a man will lose some or most of his erection, he should be able to recover it quickly and start again.

12 Use Condoms


When used correctly, condoms are an effective way of reducing your chances of conceiving a child and contracting a number of sexually transmitted infections. They’re also pretty good at reducing sensation, which means that slipping one on could help you in your quest for how to last longer in bed. If you’re in the market for a thicker condom to decrease sensation, try LifeStyles Extra Strength.

13 Or Try A Numbing Condom Specifically


One more option for lasting longer in bed is using a product designed to temporarily desensitize your penis. Durex, Trojan, and Lifestyles all offer condoms that contain between 4 and 5 percent benzocaine, a numbing agent that will reduce sensitivity and, ideally, enable you to slow down the clock during your next session.

If condoms aren’t part of your routine, you can desensitize your penis by using a numbing spray. Ian Kerner, PhD, LMFT, author of She Comes First, recommends Promescent. “You spray it once or twice on the head of the penis, and it absorbs really well, so a woman isn’t going to experience residual numbing,” he says.